Lion Players Theatre Company
2024 - 2025 Officers
Vice President - Arianna WashingtonArianna is a Junior at Spring High School. This year, she's Lion PLayers Theatre Company's Vice-President! From Freshman year to now, Arianna has been in 6 shows, and is excited for the upcoming shows this year. Arianna is determined to make this season the best yet!
Historian - Abeer SiddiquiAbeer is a Junior this year at Wunsche High School. You might have seen her in previous productions over the last 2 years! Abeer is a passionate performer with a love for singing and acting, which makes her very excited to serve as this year’s Historian. She is looking forward to seeing y'all in this season of upcoming shows!
Technical Officer- Laila Lopez
Laila is currently a Junior at Spring High School. She is the sound engineer for Lion Players Theatre Company, however she is also learning lighting. She’s worked on 6 shows since freshman year. She is very excited for the upcoming year.
Speech and Debate President- Beaux Coleman
Beaux is the 2024-2025 Speech and Debate President!